Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fun Facts: Men vs. Women

  • At 12 years old boys cry just as much as girls, but by age 18 women cry 4 times more than men due to their surge of estrogen.
  • During puberty testosterone production increases by 30 times in boys 13-14 years old.
  • On average, boys grow a foot during puberty.
  • Most girls reach their peak height growth 6 months before they get their first period.
  • During puberty a boy can produce enough sweat to fill a 6 pack of beer in just one hour of exercise.
  • During puberty boys produce 50% more muscle and 50% less fat than girls.


  • Men produce 7 gallons of semen in their lifetime.
  • Theoretically, one man could impregnate all the women on 571 planet earths in their lifetime.
  • In just one ejaculation, a man could inseminate 300 million women, or all the women in America twice.
  • If you took all the sperm in one ejaculation and put them in a straight line, they would stretch to over 12 miles.
  • Men produce 1,000 sperm per heart beat.
  • In one ejaculation, over 300 million sperm are excreted, with only 200 sperm reaching the egg and, of course, only one lucky sperm inseminates the egg.
  • Sperm can live in the vagina for up to 7 days.
  • Male sperm are lighter and, therefore, faster than female sperm because they carry 120 genes as opposed to over a 1,000 genes per female sperm. Albeit, male sperm are faster, female sperm have more endurance.
  • There are more male conceptions than female, but male zygotes are more susceptible to miscarriages due to their high levels of testosterone.
  • A fertile woman in her prime child-bearing years has a 25% chance of conception 2 days before ovulation, the greatest opportunity for pregnancy.
  • During pregnancy a woman will breathe 15-25% more oxygen and will produce 30-50% more blood for fetal circulation.
  • During pregnancy a woman's uterus grows 500 times larger than its normal size of 2.5 oz.
  • On average, couples under 30 have sex 112 times per year.
  • You burn 26 calories a minute by kissing.


  • Alcohol effects women twice as hard and fast because men have a higher water content, larger blood supply, and bigger liver. Men also possess a liver enzyme that women do not produce, which helps breaks down alcohol and detoxify the liver, making men's recovery time faster and less severe than women's hang-overs.
  • Both men and women lose 80 hairs a day.
  • All of the hair on your head twisted together can support up to 10 tons of weight.
  • Both men and women pass the same amount of gas...over 200,000 farts or 15,000 quarts of air in a lifetime.
  • Humans consume approximately 85,000 lbs. (the equivalent to a humpback whale) of food in their lifetime.
  • Humans spend 5 years of their lives eating.
  • Humans spend 26 years sleeping, in which 6 of those years are spent dreaming.
  • Humans spend 17 weeks of their lives laughing.
  • Humans spend 28 weeks of their lives using the bathroom.
  • Humans replace their skin every 3 weeks, creating 17 new bodies of skin every year.
  • Humans grow 113 inches of fingernail in their lives.
  • The human body contains 30lbs. 13oz. of carbon.
  • The human skeleton weighs 30lbs.
  • Humans regenerate 12.5 skeletons in their lifetime.
  • Every 4 months new red blood cells are created. In a lifetime, we produce enough fresh blood to fill 2,060 blood donor bags.


  • Although men's brains are bigger, women have more neurons densely packed within the brain, making men and women equally as smart.
  • The right side of the brain is more developed in men, making them better at visual and spatial skills (ex: directions), while the high functioning left side of women's brains make them better at both written and verbal language.
  • The left and right hemispheres of women's brains have a stonger connection than men's brains due to a thicker corpus collasum and more densely packed neurons. This makes women better at multi-tasking and expressing emotion, where men physiologically have a harder time applying words to their emotions due to this weak connection between the brain's hemispheres.


  • After 40, both men and women need 120 calories less per day.
  • The capacity of the lungs decrease by up to 40% after age 40.
  • Between 45-55 years old women go through menopause, where the body produces less estrogen and progesterone, causing osteoporosis, insomnia, hot flashes, increased LDL (bad cholesteral) production, weight gain, and urinary incontinence. Men also go through a similar change called andropause, where the body produces less testoterone and human growth hormone (HGH), causing many of the same symptoms as women, as well as balding and erectile dysfuntion.
  • After menopause, testosterone levels increase in women making them "speak their mind" more often as well as grow hair in strange places (ex: upper lip).

***These facts were derived from Discovery Channel's, "Science of the Sexes" and "Body in Numbers," in which I highly recommend watching. They're not only fascinating, but are fun trivia questions to use at the water cooler at work.***


Unknown said...

really incremented in my knowledge
thanks to everyone who was included in the conveyance of these messages to me.
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

this halpes a lot 4 health thanx